Ethical Complexities of International Business Entering 2022
A webinar by the International Trade Club of Chicago.
Many of the ethical issues in international business are rooted in differences in political systems, laws, economic development, and culture across countries. What is considered normal practice in one nation may be considered unethical in another. Also, what is illegal in one country may even be normal ethical business practice in another. These unique complexities makes it incredibly difficult to come up with a global standards in ethics, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability. When companies plan their long-term expansion into a foreign environment, they need to be particularly sensitive to these differences. Thus, acting in accordance with ethical and cultural values is crucial for any multinational company to win clients’ support and business and to achieve a competitive advantage in a particular market. In this presentation, the speakers shall discuss some practicalities associated with the most common ethical issue areas in international business setting, with particular focus on ways to incorporate corporate social responsibility into sourcing operations, and ethical dimensions of the Sino-American Trade War 2022 .
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This presentation is designed for corporate executives and global trade practitioners who:
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